Neuronox is a product similar to Botox or Hutox, a Botulinum toxin type “A” based product, which is derived and purified from Clostridium Botulinum. The main function of Botulinum based products is to be injected into muscles and block their ability to contract. The application of such products is both medical and cosmetic, as they have been known to successfully treat conditions like migraine. However, they are most popular as a powerful means for cosmetic corrections and anti-age products.
Neuronox is injected into the patient’s muscles in order to locally reduce muscle activity. The practical effect of injecting the Botulinum product is inhibiting the release of acetylcholine. As a means of treating medical conditions, Neuronox has been successfully applied to patients suffering from the hemifacial spasm, blepharospasm, and cervical dystonia. But it is also very potent in shaping facial lines, hiding wrinkles, and other signs of aging.
One of the major appears of the product is that Neuronox is very comparable to Allergen Botox in terms of effect, efficiency, and most importantly – quality. The injection protocol of both Botulinums is virtually identical and the unit application for Botox is identical that of Neuronox, per area of the face. Once injected the patient will not feel the effect immediately, but usually in a three to the six-day period when muscle contraction will gradually be blocked and wrinkles will smooth out. The duration of Neuronox depends on a multitude of factors, mostly the patient’s metabolism, but the Botulinum normally provides results in the four to six months range.